Firstly not be forced to sleep ever since they most likely do not get it. In the case of not being able to sleep once in bed, we have to do is get up and do any activity elsewhere in the home, try to sleep less. If we take we are going back to the room but if we can not sleep we get out of bed again. This is a recommendation difficult to carry out initially but eventually leads to profits. It is recommended that the bed nor do activities such as watching television, listening to the radio, eating, etc. since this would interfere with the initiation and maintenance of sleep. Of course do not have to type stimulants drinks coffee or alcohol prior to the start of sleep. It is recommended to keep a tight schedule and followed especially when getting up out of bed and getting up whenever possible at the same time, including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. We saw that this simple exercise of strengthening our internal biological clock.For complete details see the following internationally agreed standards:
En primer lloc no intenti forçar-se mai a dormir ja que el més probable és que no ho aconsegueixi. En el cas de no poder dormir, una vegada al llit, el que tenim de fer es llevar-nos i fer qualsevol activitat en un altre lloc del domicili, menys intentar dormir. En cas de que ens agafi son tenim d'anar altra vegada cap a la habitació però si no podem adormir-nos sortirem novament del llit. Aquesta es un recomanació inicialment difícil de portar a terme però que a la llarga comporta beneficis. Es recomana que al llit ni es façín activitats com veure televisió, escoltar la radio, menjar, etc. ja que això interfereix amb l'inici i manteniment del son. Per supòsit no s'han de prendre begudes estimulants del tipus del cafè ni begudes alcohòliques previ a l'inici del son. Es recomana mantenir un horari ajustat i seguit sobretot a l'hora de llevar-se del llit i s'aconsella llevar-se sempre a la mateixa hora, incloent dissabtes, diumenges i els dies festius. S'ha vist que aquest simple exercisi enforteix el nostre rellotge biològic intern. Per a una informació més exhaustiva consulti les següents normes consensuades internacionalment:
Avoid naps, except for a brief 15 min nap 8 hours after arising.
Restrict sleep period to the average number of hours you need and your circadian rhythm stablish. Do some sleep restriction.
Get regular exercise each day, preferably 40 minutes each day of an activity that causes sweating. Finish exercise at least 6 hours before bedtime.
Take a hot bath for 30 minutes within 2 hours before bedtime. A hot drink may help you relax.
Keep a regular time out of bed each day, including weekends.
Do not expose yourself to bright light if you have to get up at night.
Get at least one half hour of sunlight withinn 30 minutes of your out-of-bed time.
Do not smoke.
Avoid caffeine after 10 am.
Moderate use of alcoholic beverages.
Do not find out what time it is when you wake up at night.
Do not eat heavily or spicely or drink too much for 3 hours before bedtime. A light bedtime snack may help. Do not retire too hungry or too full.
Head of bed may need to be raised if you have trouble with regurgitation.
Keep your room dark, quiet, well ventilated, and at a comfortable temperature throughout the night. If necessary use ear plugs and eye shades.
Use your bedtime ritual. Reading before lights-out may be helpful if it is not occupationally related.
List problems and one-sentence next steps for the following day. Set aside a worry time. Forgive yourself and others.
Learn self-hypnosis to use if you wake up at night. Do not try too hard to sleep ; instead, concentrate on the pleasant feeling of relaxation.
Use stress management in the daytime.
Avoid unfamiliar sleep environments.
Be sure mattress is not too soft or too firm, pillow is right height and firmness.
An occasional sleeping pill is probably all right.
Use bedroom only for sleep; do not work or do other activities that lead to prolonged arousal.
If possible, make arrangements for care-giving activities (children, others, pets) to be assumend by someone else.
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