
To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, July 11, related to services of the information society and electronic commerce, the general information data of this website is as follows:

  • Owner: Investigación del Sueño, S.L.P.

  • Address: Calle Santa Joaquina de Vedruna 16-A, Bjos-2ª, 43002 Tarragona

  • Contact: Tel. +34 977-229343 - Fax. +34 977 215360 - somnus@comt.es

  • Registration Data: Tarragona Trade Register, Sheet T-19426, Volume 1527

  • C.I.F. B-60379633

  • Registered with the number E43913924 to practice as a health center.

This website has been designed to allow access to information, activities and services of the Sleep Center of Tarragona, owned by the society  "Investigación del Sueño, S.L.P." This company has as its main purpose the medical activity especially dedicated to the research, the study and the therapy of sleep and its disorders and the management and administration of centers that carry out these activities and to provide any professional service related with sleep as well. 

Privacy policy and data protection
All personal information received is treated in a strictly confidential manner and as specified in the  'Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos.'. The information is used to respond to service requests posed by users through the website, as well as to manage the relationship with users. The custody of the data is at least five years. The user accepts that, excluding identification data (name and surname), the information can be used for strictly scientific purposes.
Any user has the right to access to his/her personal data and to receive information about the use of the data, as well as to request rectification of inaccurate data or, if necessary, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes they were collected.In certain circumstances,users can request the limitation of the treatment of the data. In this case data will be kept in custody only for the purpose of the defense of any claims. Likewise, and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the processing of data. Users also have the right to the portability of data to other companies, provided that this is expressly requested and is technically possible to do so.
In order to be able to exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of the data,  a written letter must be directed to Investigación del Sueño, S.L.P.
The informative texts of the web page have been written by Investigación del Sueño, S.L.P. being also responsible for the treatment of personal data.

Santa Joaquima de Vedruna · 16 - A, Baixos 2ª · 43002 Tarragona T. 977 229 343
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